raw download clone embed report print Ruby 1.73 KB require 'fileutils' require 'pry' require 'sys/proctable' class ScreenRecord. SCREEN_NUMBER = Time. now. strftime

# Installing Ruby library "mylib" under the site_ruby FileUtils. rm_r site_ruby + ' /mylib ', force: true FileUtils. cp_r ' lib/ ', site_ruby + ' /mylib ' # Examples of copying several files to target directory. FileUtils. Namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. Installation. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: Fileutilsでcp、cp_rを実行する. rubyのFileUtilsでファイルやフォルダを コピーするメソッド は、UNIX/Linuxの コマンドラインで使用するコマンドと全く同じ です。 [FileUtilsのメソッド] @scottmacpherson Yes, also If you're using Bootsnap with Spring, it's the likely culprit:. Shopify/bootsnap#285. The problem is that Bootsnap is requiring fileutils explicitly from the ruby lib dir. How to Use The FileUtils Module There are some extra file handling utilities you can get access to within the FileUtils module. For example, you can compare files , touch a file (to update the last access & modification time ), or copy files & directories with cp_r .

FileUtils.remove_dir(path_to_directory) if File.directory?(path_to_directory) Ruby provides several methods for removing directories, but mostly we use remove_dir. Dir.delete and FileUtils.rmdir will only work if the directory is already empty. The rm_r and rm_rf defined in FileUtils are similar to remove_dir.

Copies a file system entry src to dest. If src is a directory, this method copies its contents recursively. This method preserves file types, c.f. symlink, directory… (FIFO, dev この記事ではRuby 2.5.1、Rails 5.2.3を使用しています。 rails sをすると以下のwarningが出たので解決策として残しておきます。 内容はこのようなものです。

# File lib/fileutils.rb, line 1095 def fu_default_blksize 1024 end

Copies a file system entry src to dest. If src is a directory, this method copies its contents recursively. This method preserves file types, c.f. symlink, directory… (FIFO, dev この記事ではRuby 2.5.1、Rails 5.2.3を使用しています。 rails sをすると以下のwarningが出たので解決策として残しておきます。 内容はこのようなものです。 Ruby - Dir Class and Methods - A Dir is a class to represent a directory stream that gives filenames in the directory in the operating system. Dir class also holds directory related operation Aug 24, 2018 · "Globbing" files (with Dir.glob) in Ruby allows you to select just the files you want, such as all the XML files, in a given directory. Even though Dir.blog is like regular expressions, it is not. It's very limited compared to Ruby's regular expressions and is more closely related to shell expansion wildcards.