2020-7-20 · Lag:一般是指网络延迟,当然有时候也是因为电脑的原因,总体意思和“卡”差不多。 Combo:由2个或者2个以上的英雄进行配合,打出的连招或者组合技。 Aoe:范围伤害,范围攻击。 Gank:游走杀人,限制对方英雄发展(一般简称抓人) KS:抢人头

Lag Report 2018-6-25 · Información del juego. Campeones. Noticias. Todos; Actualizaciones de juego; Esports; Desarrolladores Lag Report 2018-6-5 · To help personalise content to your interests, remember you, tailor and measure ads, provide a secure experience and improve Riot services, we use cookies. How to Fix League of Legends Lag - Kill Ping 2019-3-2 · Lag in LoL comes in many forms. This includes the FPS loss, delay, rubberbanding and the worst possible one, League of Legends stuttering. Now, unlike high ping related issues which are usually linked to your internet connection, lag is a little more complex, as not only is it caused by the internet connection, but also the issues within your Guide per lag e FPS bassi – Supporto League of …

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2020-4-1 · Best Settings For LoL and LoL Ping . Settings are a crucial part of every player's life, especially in a competitive game like League of Legends as the optimal settings help squeeze the most out of your potential and let you play like a pro and that's why you should strive to optimise to have the best settings for lol that you can!

2018-6-5 · FPS全称为Frames Per Second,也就是每秒传输帧数。如果我们想要很流畅地玩游戏的话,就需要至少30的fps值。不过,很多玩家在win10系统中玩lol游戏时,就碰到fps很低、不稳定的情况,玩起来非常卡。这该怎么办呢?下